
4 ECTS / Semester / Português

1. Analyse contemporary unease about the doctrines of salvation in general and the Christian doctrine of salvation in particular;
2. Systematize the main themes of the current issues;
3. Learn the soteriological vocabulary and its semantic evolution;
4. Clarify soteriological concepts;
5. Acquire an overview of the Christian soteriological doctrine;
6. Demonstrate that theology of salvation is closely linked to theology of grace and justification;
7. Recognize St. Paul as a systematiser of the biblical doctrine of grace and describing Paul's doctrine;
8. Identify the relationship between God's grace and human freedom as continuous thread to all programmatic content;
9. To describe the main controversies throughout history, up to the Second Vatican Council, with insistence on the Pelagius controversy, Protestantism and the Council of Trent and the Jansenism question;
10. Telling the path of soteriology in the 20th century: Vatican Council II; doctrine of justification and ecumenical dialogue;
11. To articulate Christian soteriology, integral ecology, citizenship and human achievement, in our time.



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