Reading Theological Texts (Seminar)

2 ECTS / Semester / Português

This Seminar aims to train students for a scientific reading of some of the most important texts (from different points of views: chronological; literary genre; religious background; and, finally, from the fundamental matrix of the theological orientation) of the most outstanding Christian theologians, and this includes:

(a) enabling the unravelling, synthesis and contextualized comparison of: objectives, concepts, thematic articulations and literary rhetoric employed in each text;

(b) exercising pertinent, critical and mature theological appraisals;

(c) contribute to the ability to elaborate personal summae of everything taught in classes.


Professor Auxiliar
Doutor em Teologia pela Universidad Pontificia Comillas em Madrid, com a tese: “O ‘pur amour’ na correspondência de François Fénelon”. Docente da…
Professor Catedrático
Doutoramento em Teologia Fundamental pela Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, em Frankfurt (Alemanha), sob orientação de Jörg Splett e como…
Professor Auxiliar
Professora auxiliar da Faculdade de Teologia da UCP. Doutorada em Teologia Espiritual pela Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid…