Pauline Letters and Other Epistles

4 ECTS / Semester / Português

At the term of this curricular unity, students will be able to:
1.master basic concepts of Pauline theology;
2.know the discussion around Pauline Writings mainly since Reform times;
3.reflect critically about the old perspective, the new perspective and about the radical perspective;
4.put the Letters of Paul in time and space, in its historical context;
5.know the main features of the culture environment where the Letters appeared;
6.get a critical approach toward the various commentaries and thesis about Pauline Theology and Writings;
7. Delutheranize Pauline biblical exegesis;
8. Develop an updated exegetical and hermeneutic understanding of biblical texts that debate the origins of Christianity, namely, the text of some of the Catholic Epistles;
9. Know the contribution of current exegesis on the immediate recipients of these texts and their thematic relevance to the Faith of the first Christian generations;
10. know the specificity of the theologies of the Catholic Epistles.



Assistente Convidado
Tem Licenza in Sacra Scritura (2º grau canónico) pelo Pontificio Istituto Biblico e Mestrado Integrado em Teologia pela Faculdade de Teologia da UCP.