
After two degrees in Theology undertaken in Lisbon and Rome, Manuel Duarte de Oliveira wrote a dissertation under the supervision of Paul Mendes-Flohr and received his doctoral degree in Jewish Thought from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he worked and studied for ten years. Thereafter, he was invited as Senior Fellow by Harvard University to the Center for the Study of World Religions, the Center for Jewish Studies, and the Kennedy School of Government. He was also a Fellow at Columbia University’s School of Law in New York, and in the following ten years lived and worked in California where he taught at Berkeley and Stanford University. At the Research Directorate General of the European Commission he was a Member of the Panel of Science, Economy and Society, and worked as a Scientific Expert in Social Sciences and the Humanities. Recently, he has been invited to teach Jewish Thought at the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon, where he is a research member at CITER. In this context, he has been asked to help develop the area of Jewish Studies in a recently created Chair of Jewish and Christian Biblical Studies.

His research interests are in the field of Modern Jewish Thought, Dialogical Philosophy, Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig, Legal and Political Philosophy, and the Complex Relations Between Judaism and Christianity.

Selected Publications:

  • Love as the Core of Dialogical Philosophy: A New Foundation of the Concept of Human Dignity (work in progress)
  • “Martin Buber’s Use of the Concept of Israel’s Divine Election,” Companion to Martin Buber, (Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2023)
  • “From Divine Chosenness to Self-Deification: The Challenges of Religious Zionism,” International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values (submitted)
  • “Introdução,” O Caminho do Homem: Segundo o Ensinamento Hassídico, (Lisboa: Paulinas Editora, 2022), pp. 5-27
  • Humanity Divided: Martin Buber and the Challenges of Being Chosen, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021)