Religious Heritage and Transmission of Culture

7 ECTS / Semestral / Português

I. Knowledge, comprehension: Interpreting the cultural theories; Recognize different paradigms in the heritage sciences.; escribing religion as cultural heritage; Understanding the functional relationships between religion, culture, society, and the individual; Identify the different argumentative frameworks in contemporary debates concerning religion and public education.

II. Application: Describe social detraditionalization; Identify the social processes of identity construction; Characterize the cultural transmission process in contemporary societies; Identify the specific problems of educational institutions concerning the cultural transmission process.

III. Analysis, synthesis, evaluation and action planning: Appreciate the role of human agency in religious and social change; Analyze social data; Reading, interpreting, and presenting specialized texts; Interpreting visual documents; Describe and delineate the current role of the religious transmission within the education system.


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Doutor em Antropologia (especialização em Antropologia Política) pelo Instituto de Ciências do Trabalho e Empresa - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Mestre em…