Generic Bio

Research line: Theology, Values and Social Dynamics (TVSD)

Domingos Terra was born in 1958, in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal), joined the Society of Jesus in 1982 and was ordained Priest in 1992. He got the second canonical degree in Theology (Licentiate of Sacred Theology), in 1993, in the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley (California, USA). The thesis was the basis for the book Self-knowledge and Christian discernment (Braga, A.O., 1995). He got a PhD in Fundamental Theology in Centre Sèvres (Jesuit Faculties of Paris), in 2003. The thesis gave origin to the book Becoming a Christian today: a discernment with Karl Rahner (Paris, L'Harmattan, 2006). Nowadays, he teaches now Fundamental Theology and Spiritual Theology. He has been editorial consultant of the journals Brotéria and Didaskalia. Since 2009, he represents the Faculty of Theology in the Library John Paul II (UCP-Lisboa).