Generic Bio

Research line: The Performativities and Aesthetics of Religion (PAR)

Alfredo Teixeira holds a PhD in Political Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL) and a Masters Degree in Systematic Theology (FT-UCP). He is an Associated Teacher at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Portugal, where he holds the position as the Director of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences. Between 1994 and 2003, he was part of an interdisciplinary group that studied the Contemporary Thought and collaborated in the scientific organization of the Science of Religions Department, at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. He also collaborates with the Master Degree and PhD in History and Culture of Religions, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. He coordinated several research projects, such as: "Itineraries and believers trajectories in the city", "Religious culture in school", "Morphology of the religious field in Portuguese society", "Social work of the Roman Catholic Church in Portugal", "Religious identities in Portuguese society: representation, values and practices". He participates in the coordination of the research line shared by the CEHR-UCP and by the CERC-UCP: "Memory, mediations and religious materialities". He is a member of the Editorial Board of Didaskalia and Communio. It is a member of the Catholic University of Portugal and of the Patrimonial Movement for Portuguese Music. He integrates the Committee for Religious Freedom (Ministry of Justice) and represents the Catholic University of Portugal in the Network of Researchers Religion and the Multiples Modernities. Nowadays, his investigation interests are: the new theories about religion; religion and cultural transmission - the social use of religious memory; detraditionalization of the roman catholic eclesiosphere in Portuguese society.