Latin I

4 ECTS / Semester / Português

Students must:
1. Acquire, by memorizing them, the basic knowledge of Morphology (nominal, pronominal and verbal) and Latin Syntax;
2.    be able to, with these morphological and syntactic tools stored, contact with simple Latin texts, reading them, commenting on them and and translating them into Portuguese and simultaneously back-translating simple Portuguese phrases into Latin;
3. recognize the importance of Latin study, not only as the main source of the Portuguese language, but also in the general context of European culture, particularly in the context of Theology;
4. acquire basic knowledge of Classical Culture, recognizing it not only as an expression of fundamental historical importance, but of unparalleled usefulness to understand the modern world, particularly the West.



Professor Auxiliar
Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais - UCP
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