Biblical narratives of creation: Jewish and Christian reading

Friday, February 9, 2024 - 10:27
Biblical narratives of creation

CITER's Chair of Jewish and Christian Biblical Studies organizes two Jewish and Christian reading sessions on the creation narratives.

  • March 4th | 2pm-4:15pm
    Armindo Vaz (FT-UCP)
  • March 11 | 2pm-4:15pm
    Ruben Suiza (Rabbi of the Israeli Community of Lisbon)

These two sessions are part of a seminar of the Doctoral Course program at the Faculty of Theology, taking place in this 2nd semester 2023-24, where the objective of knowledge and research expands to a scientific dialogue between Jews and Christians, in this specific case in what concerns the biblical narratives of creation.
This is a complex and challenging dialogue. It involves appreciating what biblical texts meant in their first literary and faith context and understanding how, over the centuries, different groups with different concerns developed different interpretations. From this listening, learning and knowledge emerge that renew reading and understanding, projecting an enlightened approach to differences and complementarity.

The sessions take place at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon - room 321 (Old building) and online via zoom-colibri:
- Link to March 4th session:
- Link to March 11th session:

No registration required.
