
4 ECTS / Semester / Português

1.    Understanding the place of Proctology in the context of dogmatic and systematic theology
2.    Systematize a biblical foundation and dogmatic and theological evolution of the themes of Proctology (creation, the human person in the image of God, the bodily condition, original sin, the relationship between creation and evolution, the relationship between creation and ecology)
3.    Expound the Triunity of God as the centre and key of the theology of creation
4.    Review the specialized bibliography
5.     Acquire integrated and systematized knowledge about the programmatic contents
6.    Develop epistemological, hermeneutic and critical capacity
7.    Establishing connections with the educational universe and everyday life



Professor Auxiliar
Doutor em Teologia, na área da antropologia teológica, pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana, Roma, com a tese A condição corpórea da pessoa. Estudo sobre a…
Professor Auxiliar
Realizou estudos superiores na Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto), na Pontifical University of Maynooth (Republic of Ireland) e na Universidad…
Professor Associado
Concluiu o Doutoramento em Teologia em 1999 pela Université Catholique de Louvain, o Mestrado em Teologia em 1994 pela Université Catholique de Louvain, a…